Saturday, March 5, 2011

Work with me, Doc!

Yesterday, my 13 year old claimed "I feel like crap!" before going to school on Friday.  After his older brothers and sister, I don't quite trust such claims.  I sent him off to school.  Upon arriving home, he promptly dropped his bag at the door and climbed into my bed.  He was definitely warm to the touch.  GULP!!  He asked for McDonald's to which I promptly complied ~ it went uneaten for hours while he slept.  I gave him Ibuprofen every 6 hours and he still felt warm.  When we woke up, I decided it was probably best to see the Doc.  (He has a history of asthma and we are having a house full of company for his Dad's birthday tomorrow).  Being that he's 13, the doctors tend to trust him as an accurate historian.  NOT!  Let me explain....NURSE:  "Adam, do you have a headache, sore throat, cough?", ADAM:  "No!", MOM:  "Adam, she doesn't mean this second, she means, 'since your symptoms started'".  ADAM:  "Oh"........ I should also mention that he wanted to go to a friend's birthday party this evening.  The doctor examined him, no wheezing, no ear infection, no strep throat....his diagnosis?  A sinus infection.  Antibiotics were prescribed and I said to the doctor, "Sooooo, guess the birthday party is out of the question, right, Doc?!?!  *wink, wink*.  The doctors reply?  "Well, he isn't contagious, but he should probably get some rest".  Grrrr!!!

I pumped him with two doses of antibiotic before the party and let him go, largely because he acted FINE after his doctor visit and the doctor didn't have my back.......

I know, I definitely was too passive with my 13 year old......but he's a good student, straight A's in "Academically Gifted" classes and he's just starting to find his social life and if he wasn't contagious, I didn't want to disappoint him, but I was hoping the doctor would.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that INDEED he wasn't contagious and I'm going to sleep tonight hoping I'll do better tomorrow.

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